VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2016 ) > List of Articles
SK Arya, Deepti Sahran,
Citation Information : Arya S, Sahran, D. Streamlining the Process of Communicating and Recording the Gender of the Newborn Child in the Labor Room. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2016; 4 (2):66-69.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1062
License: CC BY 3.0
Published Online: 01-09-2015
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).
The article tries to streamline the process of communicating and recording the gender of newborn in the birth certificate in the labor room. Descriptive. Redesigning of the process of recording gender in hospital information system (HIS) module/e-birth module using process mapping and feedback from stakeholders. There were instances of discrepancy in verbally communicating the gender of newborn soon after the birth and the gender being recorded in the birth certificate issued in the labor room. Soon after these instances were reported, the process was examined and redesigned. After implementation of the redesigned process, follow-up was done and it was noted that there had been no further instances of discrepancies in communication of sex of the newborn child and recording of gender in the birth certificate. However, to institutionalize the change and to prevent any further mishaps in future and to eliminate chances of all possible human errors, it was decided that the whole process will be retested and all possible loopholes will be identified, with the aim to create a process which achieves the objective of elimination of all possible human errors (mistake-proofing). Initially, the process mapping was done. Later, the new process of recording birth-related information including gender was codified and implemented. The follow-up was again done post this intervention. It was found that systemic changes had streamlined the process. This had resulted not only in right gender recording and elimination of possibility of any errors, but also in reduction of number of visits by patients to labor room to get birth certificate. Investigation of errors and redesigning of processes help in rooting out various defects in the system. Therefore, all the acts of omission/commission resulting in undesirable outcomes should be used as opportunities for overall improvement rather than to find fault of erring employees. As in this case, the overall approach was to improve the existing system leading to elimination of chances of any mistake and streamlining operations leading to desired outcomes. Sahran D, Tadia VK, Arya SK. Streamlining the Process of Communicating and Recording the Gender of the Newborn Child in the Labor Room. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2016;4(2):66-69.