VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2015 ) > List of Articles
Rajesh Harsvardhan, Hem Chandra, Nitin Dutt Bhardwaj, Faiyaz Mansoor, Rimma Mandal, Dinesh Chandra Srivastava
Citation Information : Harsvardhan R, Chandra H, Bhardwaj ND, Mansoor F, Mandal R, Srivastava DC. Optimal Utilization of Government Assisted Financing for Poor Patients: Facilitation by a Hospital. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2015; 3 (1):25-28.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1032
Published Online: 01-12-2014
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2015; The Author(s).
Sole objective of healthcare financing is that rich and poor should be treated equally as poverty is not a disability and wealth is not an advantage. Approximately, 78% of Indian population spends for healthcare from out of pocket expenditure, remaining by salary, agriculture, business, etc. Only 3% population is covered by health insurance. Prime minister (PM) fund is one of the methods to offset the treatment cost from poor. Present paper is aimed to highlight the contribution of PM fund for patients getting treatment at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) hospital and efforts made by hospital for its optimal utilization. Retrospective studies were carried out in 2010 and July 2013 for contribution received form PM fund for indoor poor patients treatment during last 5 years, number of patient availed/not availed financial assistance, reasons for not availing, on the line of problem solving process. Efforts made by SGPGIMS for its optimal utilization were also highlighted. During financial year 2007-2008 to 2009-2010, total 1246 patients received the fund of worth USD 1.30 million (₹ 78792750.00) and only USD 1.09 million (₹ 65569869.00) was utilized by 1110 (89%) patients. One hundred and thirtysix (10.91%) patients did not utilize. Hospital administration made efforts for optimal utilization by minimizing the barriers, consequently it improved the utilization by 8.20%. During financial year 2010-11 to 2011-12, USD 1.85 million (₹ 111081789.00) was received for 1450 patients, out of which 730 patients have already utilized and 682 are still using the fund (total 1412/97.40%) and 38 patients (2.60%) did not use it. Simple efforts made by hospital improved the utilization of PM fund by 8.20% and poor were really benefited. Hospitals should also fulfill the social responsibility by facilitating the patients. Chandra H, Bhardwaj ND, Mansoor F, Mandal R, Srivastava DC, Harsvardhan R. Optimal Utilization of Government Assisted Financing for Poor Patients: Facilitation by a Hospital. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2015;3(1):25-28.