VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles
Neeraj Garg, R Mahesh
Citation Information : Garg N, Mahesh R. Patient Satisfaction Survey at a Tertiary Care Speciality Hospital. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2014; 2 (2):79-83.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1019
Published Online: 01-09-2014
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).
Patient satisfaction is one of the most important parameters of quality. The measurement of patient satisfaction is an important tool for research, administration, and planning. Client satisfaction is a crucial index for determining the quality services and the way in which they are provided by medical staff. The patient satisfaction is of paramount importance in ensuring better quality on the way to total quality management. Patient satisfaction survey are important from the view of improvement of quality of services and to attain the maximum satisfaction of the in-patients. The aim of the study is to assess the level of satisfaction of in-patients at Tertiary care speciality hospital and to find out the causes for dissatisfaction. The objectives set were, to study the level of satisfaction of in-patients in private and General wards at Tertiary care speciality hospital and to find the causes for dissatisfaction, if any and suggest remedial measures. A questionnaire based study where views of inpatient were taken regarding various clinical and support services. The data were collected from different patient care areas over a period of 2 months, and analyzed to determine the biggest dissatisfying factors among the patients. More than 88% of the patients have rated the services as Excellent/Good. The areas where the satisfaction level is low is the cleanliness specially in the toilets and the quality of food served to the patients. As far as clinical care is concerned 95% of the patients are satisfied with the level and expertise of professional care but suggested for development of soft skills in doctors and paramedics. The study suggests that a majority of in-patients are highly satisfied with the services of the Hospital. The study recommends for the need to develop soft skills among Doctor and paramedics and to improve upon the level of cleanliness and quality of dietary services. Garg N, Gupta SK, Mahesh R. Patient Satisfaction Survey at a Tertiary Care Speciality Hospital. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2014;2(2):79-83.