International Journal of Research Foundation of Hospital and Healthcare Administration

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VOLUME 8 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Impact of a Structured Nursing Training Program on Self-perceived Competence of Newly Appointed Nurses at Apex Trauma Center in Northern India: A Prospective Observational Study

Nivedita Tayal, Sanjeev Bhoi, Jacinta Gunjiyal, Kripal Kaur

Keywords : Competence, Effectiveness, New graduate nurses, Structured training program

Citation Information : Tayal N, Bhoi S, Gunjiyal J, Kaur K. Impact of a Structured Nursing Training Program on Self-perceived Competence of Newly Appointed Nurses at Apex Trauma Center in Northern India: A Prospective Observational Study. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2020; 8 (1):32-35.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1122

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 14-09-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


Background: New graduate nurses require an induction program to improve their clinical skills and build confidence during their transition from education to practice. Objectives: To evaluate and compare self-perceived clinical competence among new nursing staff before and after training program. Settings: Apex Trauma Centre in Northern India. Study design: A prospective observational study. Intervention: New graduate nurses joining the institute during study period underwent a comprehensive training module to enhance their skills and confidence. A 20-item validated questionnaire was offered to participants for self-evaluation of their skills before and after receiving the training. Competence level of each nurse was computed by adding score of individual items in questionnaire. Results: A total 136 newly joined nurses underwent training program during study period, of whom 120 participated in the study. There was a significant improvement in all 20 domains of clinical and housekeeping skills after the induction program (all p values < 0.01). Before induction program, less than two-thirds of the staff were confident about competence in key clinical skills. After induction more than 85% of attendees were confident about necessary skills. Conclusion: In our study, the induction by critical care training program was effective in promoting confidence and clinical competence of new nurses.

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