A Study on Prevalence of Domestic Violence among Women in Servant's Quarters of a Tertiary Care Hospital in North India
Nitin Garg, Gagan Hans, Shakti K Gupta, Vikas H, Veena Pandey
Keywords :
Abuse, Addiction, Domestic violence
Citation Information :
Garg N, Hans G, Gupta SK, H V, Pandey V. A Study on Prevalence of Domestic Violence among Women in Servant's Quarters of a Tertiary Care Hospital in North India. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2018; 6 (2):57-62.
Introduction: Domestic violence (DV) is a major human right and public health problem which can have physical as well as mental health-related adverse effects.
Aim: To study the magnitude, type, and causes of domestic violence against women in the servant's quarters of a tertiary care hospital in North India.
Materials and methods: A questionnaire-based study was conducted in servant's quarters of AIIMS, New Delhi from March 2018 to September 2018 among women of 18 to 65 years. A questionnaire was specifically designed, validated and subsequently used for collecting data on domestic violence. It covered all the information regarding socio-demographic details of the participants as well as their experience with domestic violence. The data collected was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
Results and discussion: In the study population it was found that 36.4% (75) women suffered from domestic violence, out of which 35.5% (71) were married, 4% (3) unmarried and 1.33% (1) widow with a mean age of 34 years. It was seen more among young age group, less educated females, early years of marriage, more number of family members living as a joint family and among females having spouses with alcohol addiction. The most common type of abuse was emotional (psychological) followed by physical and economical. Majority of them responded that alcohol addiction and financial difficulties were primary reasons for violence happening more than once in a month in (57.3%). The most common consequence suffered by females was psychological followed by 17.3% complaining of severe health effect. 33.4% of respondents took a corrective step of which only 4% showed improvement.
Conclusion: Domestic violence was found to be highly prevalent and alcohol emerged out be a major risk factor.
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