Importance of Medical Leadership Development: A Global Perspective with Special Reference to the Indian Healthcare System
Chitra Sarkar, Shakti K Gupta, Kamal Gulati, Vikas Madhukar
Keywords :
Canmeds, Competencies, Leadership, Leadership models/frameworks, Management, National Health Service, The Health Care Leadership Alliance, Training and development, UK-Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
Citation Information :
Sarkar C, Gupta SK, Gulati K, Madhukar V. Importance of Medical Leadership Development: A Global Perspective with Special Reference to the Indian Healthcare System. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2018; 6 (1):37-42.
Medical leadership has in the last decade assumed great importance globally. The reason for this is the proven link between effectiveness of leadership and improved clinical outcomes. With increasing demands for delivering high quality patient care at lower cost, physicians are expected to embrace leadership roles. Traditionally, medical schools do not teach leadership either at undergraduate or postgraduate levels. Also efforts to develop leadership skills among ‘in service’ professionals are minuscule and not very effective due to lack of structured leadership development programmes. This causes a significant “leadership gap” in medicine across a wide range of organizations. In order to bridge this gap, many countries viz. UK, USA, Canada etc. have designed specific leadership models and are conducting leadership development programs at various career stages of doctors to address the needs of the changing healthcare systems. However, not much work has been done in India in this direction. It is high time that medical schools and organizations in India begin to formalize leadership training at all stages of medical education and career. It will be prudent to design a leadership development programme targeting the needs of Indian doctors with special reference to the rapidly expanding Indian healthcare sector. This will help to create more doctors who are not only skilled as “competent physicians” but also as “competent physicianleaders”. This article analyzes the leadership competencies critical for medical doctors and methods to develop them as well as reviews the important medical leadership models and programmes available globally.
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