VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2015 ) > List of Articles
Kasturi Shukla, Priyadarshini Chandrashekhar, Nirmal Kumar, Pradnya K Devade
Citation Information : Shukla K, Chandrashekhar P, Kumar N, Devade PK. A Descriptive Study of Length of Stay at an Intensive Care Unit. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2015; 3 (1):29-32.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1033
Published Online: 01-12-2014
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2015; The Author(s).
As intensive care units (ICUs) are very resource intensive, length of stay (LOS) is of prime importance. This study was done to analyze the LOS in different ICUs and analyze it against a set benchmark. This retrospective study was conducted from April to June 2013 on patients admitted during January to March 2013 in the neurosurgery ICU (NICU), medical ICU (MICU), high dependency unit (HDU) and isolation ICU of a large multispecialty hospital in Pune (India). As per the quality manual of the hospital, benchmark LOS was considered as 3.08 days for ICU. Mean and median LOS was analyzed through Student's t and Chi-square test; proportion of short (<2 days) and long stay (>4 days) patients was also computed. Out of 835 patients admitted to the NICU, MICU, HDU and Isolation ICU, the overall mean LOS was 3.37 ± 5.54 days which was statistically significant at a p-value <0.001 (t = 17.58, 95% CI 3-3.75). The overall mean LOS was higher than the benchmarked 3.08 days but still within the optimal range of 2 to 4 days. Mean LOS was statistically significant when tested for department-wise variations with a Chi-value of 173.56 (p-value < 0.001, LR = 113.75). Highest mean LOS was observed for isolation ICU and lowest for MICU. 360 (43.1%) were short stay, 141(16.8%) were long stay and remaining were optimal stay patients. The mean LOS for the ICUs varied significantly across the type of ICUs which needs to be continuously monitored. Mean LOS variation across ICU type indicates need for separate benchmarks. Shukla K, Chandrashekhar P, Kumar N, Devade PK. A Descriptive Study of Length of Stay at an Intensive Care Unit. Int J Res Foundation Hosp Healthc Adm 2015;3(1):29-32.